床を見てみると、小さくてかわいい足跡があります。 足跡を追っていくと、小さな切り株の家がありました。 家の中をのぞいてみると、手紙があります。 「切り株の妖精は、オオゴマダラの お世話をするために池にいったよ」 ペッカー達は、池に向かいました。
池の近くに、小さな切り株がありました。 中をのぞいてみると、手紙があります。 「切り株の妖精はお家に帰ったよ、 足あとをたどってお家を訪ねてごらん」 ペッカー達は、足あとをたどりました。 しばらく歩いていると、大きな切り株の家をみつけました。
ペッカー達は、ドアをノックして切り株の妖精を呼んでみました。 しかし、誰も出てきません、 ふと見みると、可愛い食台の上に、手紙がありました。
The three arrived at the Butterfly Garden.
On the wall were these words:
If you want to meet with the Fairy of the Tree Stump, who is very shy, follow the footsteps.
Pecker and his friends looked down and saw cute little footsteps.
They followed the tracks which led to a house which was made in a small tree stump.
They peeked inside and saw a letter.
The letter said, “The Fairy of the Tree Stump went to the pond to care for the Tree Nymph Butterflies.”
So, Pecker and his pals headed to the pond. Once there, they saw a small tree stump.
They again peeked inside and found a letter.
This time, the letter said, “The Fairy of the Tree Stump went back home. Follow the footsteps and visit the Fairy at home.”
Again, Pecker and his friends followed the footsteps.
After a while, they came to a large tree stump house.
They knocked on the door and called out for the Fairy of the Tree Stump.
They waited, but nobody responded.
They looked inside and saw a letter on top of a cute little table.
The letter said, “To you who have come to call on me, Look for a bird that lives in the Bird Yard, with five colors on its feathers.
The sign that this bird holds, is the first key to enter the Land of the Fairies.
From the Fairy of the Tree Stump” Little Fairy said, “The Fairy kindly left a letter for us. Well, then, let’s head to the Bird Yard.”
And so, Pecker and his friends set off for the Bird Yard.